If it’s any consolation I’d been to university 3 times before you were born - oh to be as young as Ian Hislop

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I'm in Tatton, another long term safe Conservative seat. However there is a lot of local discontent with our MP and Minister for Common Sense Esther McVey and her focus on her TV career with her husband on GB News. Labour have put forward a strong candidate and there is a real fight going on. Tatton once kicked out Neil Hamilton in favour of Martin Bell so we don't like being taken for granted. We'll be up with the popcorn for this result!

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Loved this; too many plums, but Nigel Farage carrying on as if he's Eva Peron and Alexander the great rolled into one - sublime!

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So, it’s not Brownite, Blairite, or Corbynite anymore? But whether it’s Yorkies and a Sunday roast, or not? Or maybe a nut cutlet? Great stuff. Labour factionalism is hilarious

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One of the most helpful and interesting comment pieces I've read on this whole fiasco.

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“He was at university at the same time as me, which is obviously also devastating.”

No no no, it means that you are part of the New Power Generation, though possibly not led by Prince.

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Is Sunderland still doing the First To Declare speed run?

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It is. But if it’s not Labour then we’ve fallen into an alternate dimension.

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I loved reading this.

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This will be more stressful than watching Stoke City, you start full of hope but you just know there's an own goal coming. Just get the Tories out!

BTW what is the purpose of the lettuce in the Bloody Mary?

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Lettuce lasts longer than Liz Truss as PM. Therefore improving the longevity of your cocktail.

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It’s supposed to be a stick of celery, to stir it with. That plus tomato juice makes it one of your 5 a day

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I was sorry to see your unpleasant remarks about KJK and the Party of Women. You must surely be aware that neither she, nor any of the other women standing for POW, expected to win 5% of the votes in their respective constituencies retain their deposits. She is making an important political point and because she has a flair for marketing and communications, as well as merchandising, she has realised that setting up a political party has given her another platform for talking about women's rights. By spitefully referring to losing her deposit, you have lowered yourself to Pink News level. 'd have expected better from you. https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/07/05/posie-parker-general-election-party-of-women-deposit/

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If you think those were "unpleasant remarks," i suggest you never consume any content created by Kellie-Jay Keen.

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Used this as my morning crib sheet 😊

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Corbyn will be trounced in Islington North. I used to live there and the idea that there is affection for him is laughable. At the last election people held their noses and voted for Labour despite Corbyn. This time they’ll be voting Labour as per usual and not for Corbyn. Owen Jones and his cranky pals are going to be crying in to their pints on Friday morning when they realise how out of touch they are. But if course it will be everyone else’s fault....

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I'm impressed you managed to get through a whole paragraph on Liz Truss, and especially her constituency, without any mention of the word turnip.

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I'd really like our new Cons MP Harriett Baldwin to lose (new as in we've just moved to West Worcs, refugees from Mogg land), but as she seems to be neither mad nor bad, has managed to win three times and seems to be a fairly good local MP, I'm not very hopeful. The real battle is working out whether the Lib Dem statistics are in fact lies since they routinely mess around with numbers to make themselves look good, or whether the Labour candidate, parachuted in from Barking on the day before registration closed, will gain any votes at all. He's canvassing madly, but West Worcs is a big constituency, and the Lib Dem candidate is a popular councillor on the other side of the M5. Apparently a survey of the polls to date for WW show Labour has the best chance of edging HB out. It's all to play for.

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I'm in Islington North. I've already voted by postal vote as I'll in Spain on the big night. If Labour's private healthcare-loving candidate wins, I might seek asylum on the Costa…

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Brilliant! This is exactly what I needed. Was hoping to sleep til 2, but ah well never mind 😁

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