Sacheen Littlefeather wanted to belong. To a group of people she admired. She embroidered her life accordingly. So ?

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IDK if this helps, but Unholy highlights to me how much of a sell-out Smith has become. They called for the Brits to remove gendered awards in 2021 and the organisers begrudgingly complied this year. All the while, Smith produces the quintessential cis-heteronormative track of the year... Where's the non-binary representation? Heck, why hasn't Smith invoked their identity as a gay man? None of this is surprising, given how ambiguously heterosexual Smith's discography is. Unholy has shown that they're willing to sacrifice their treasured 'marginalised' identity when it suits them. Smith cares more about winning awards and producing chart-topping hits than actually represent their 'community'.

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For proven First Nation impersonation, Wilderness Man, The Strange Story of Grey Owl, is an incredible story of deception, Edwardian child neglect, and publisher's wishful thinking. The author Lovat Dickson reflects on his own role in promoting it too. Recommended.

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