I am shocked, just shocked to discover how many people are falsely claiming to be ‘intersex’.

Who would have thunk it?!

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“I wouldn’t trust these people to sit the right way on a toilet” - wonderful description also of most of the government, loads of tech bros and several people I once worked for. Just love it!

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It’s a great phrase, isn’t it? I first heard it in a Rowan Atkinson sketch: Father of the Bride’s Speech and I’ve used it ever since. The sketch is full of such gems…


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Re “Being 13” some years ago a Brisbane (Aus) based journalist wrote a book called “Being 14” about this particular period in a girl’s life is a state of flux, not a mature teen, not a young girl. It was a fascinating insight, particularly for me being the mum of 4 girls (my youngest being twins almost 15). Some private schools in Aus take the kids in year 9 (14 going off 15) off regular school campuses & into the bush for a term/semester/year where they are taken off technology, do lots of bushwalking, sports, life skills, cooking & write old fashioned letters home to their families (the most famous school that does this is Geelong Grammar in Victoria with their Timbertop programme) I know of many kids who have done it - life changing but oh so $$$$)

Re the psychology stuff - my oldest (19yo) is a 2nd year psych student at an Aus uni so I’ve sent her the links (& also to the podcasts “The New Gurus” & “Helen Lewis has left the Chat”. The trouble with 19yos is that they won’t read what their mothers send them nor do they listen to podcasts apparently. Oh well 😉

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Being 14 by Madonna King. Reading it made me realise I wasn’t the shittist mum & had forgotten my own early teens & I didn’t have social media to contend with

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Lookit, I've been going to therapy for a very long time. Once or twice, I've heard personal stories, and I don't like it. I'm paying $200 to talk about ME, mofo! And I know therapists are flawed people too, but with me, they need to come across as very unflawed.

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Actually startled myself with the cackle I blurted out at the line "Sorry, should I be giving *you* the therapy?" 😆

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Why you gotta support Kathleen Stock, this disgust-driven view of people is not helping anybody.

Support trans liberation imo

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So very apt to read Kathleen Stock on NS; from the epitome of cancelled culturista to sobering view of her new rose tinted prescription, clearly are still free for her to purchase!

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The “Intersex Pretenders” study reminds me of Margaret Rutherford’s adopted daughter:


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Bit of a bummer that a potential extinction-level threat like AI is being overseen by venal, self-serving tech bro types. The flipside is that maybe guys like Altman are so flawed that we'll never reach the AGI tipping point.

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