> "a garrotte should consist entirely of paper maché and malice"

I just want to say that this is such a wonderful phrase - the idea, the rhythm, the sheer glorious bonkers verve of it…

Thank you!

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The original cancel culture was religion. Don't subscribe to the local religion? You're an outcast!

Now, it's the religious types claiming that they're being cancelled, although their idea of cancelled is having no more power than anyone else, and no longer getting away with domestic violence or molesting children.

I call that a vast improvement.

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Possible misreading of the PETA campaign which is not pro-pigeon but in fact anti-puppy? I'm up for that. The dog hegemony needs more critical analysis (hint).

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I’m currently on a weekend away and prior to reading this I was staring out the window and watched a pigeon land in a tree. It did so with such a complete lack of dexterity that it more or less appeared to have been thrown there by someone, as if flying and landing were a complete surprise to it.

This is an insight of little merit but the coincidence of that and then the mention of pigeons here was enjoyable.

Thanks as always for the recommendations Helen.

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Liking the return of peregrine falcons to cities would be awkward

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Helen, it seems like you are having a deferred high school crush on a perfect example of an American “head on a plate”. Travis has managed to capture this …. Breezy, smiley, silly, kind, cute energy of a high school quarterback into his thirties, which is an accomplishment because most of this species sell cars in their mid life, in their home town, reliving their best years at 17 in a bar. Good for Travis and Taylor! Keep the dream alive. Also - AI for president!

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